Sunday, October 22, 2023

President Joe Biden/46th President of the United States

 All Presidents of the united states Of America poster


 President Joe Biden takes a photo with attendees at an event in Burlington, IA



The 47th Vice President of the United States

Before becoming the 47th Vice President of the United States, President Biden represented Delaware in the U.S. Senate for 36 years. As President, Biden will restore America's leadership and make our communities better again.


Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, the first of four children of Katherine Eugenia Finnegan Biden and Joseph Robinette Biden, Sr. In 1953, the Bidens relocated to Claymont, Delaware. President Biden graduated from the University of Delaware and Syracuse Law School, also serving on the New Castle County Council.


 At the age of 29, President Biden became one of the youngest people elected to the United States Senate. Just weeks after his Senate election, tragedy struck the Biden family when an auto accident killed his wife Neilia and daughter Naomi, and seriously injured sons Hunter and Beau.  question about michael jackson

Biden was sworn into the U.S. Senate at his sons' hospital bedside and began commuting from Wilmington to Washington every day, first by car and then by train, to be with his family. He would continue to do so throughout his tenure in the Senate.

Biden married Jill Jacobs in 1977, and their family was completed with the birth of Ashley Blazer Biden in 1980. A lifelong teacher, Jill earned a doctorate in education and returned to teaching as an English professor at a community college in Virginia.

Beau Biden, Attorney General of Delaware and eldest son of Joe Biden, died in 2015 after battling brain cancer with the same integrity, courage and strength that he demonstrated every day of his life. Beau's battle with cancer inspires President Biden's life's mission – to end cancer as we know it.

Joe Biden's brother is James Biden. James Biden is not as famous as his brother, President Joe Biden, but he has been involved in various business ventures over the years. It is noteworthy that due to Joe Biden's political career, the Biden family has been in the public eye, but not all the family members are as prominent.

Joe Biden has a sister named Valerie Biden Owens. He is a political strategist and has served as a key advisor to Joe Biden's political campaigns throughout his career. Valerie Biden Owens has been instrumental in supporting her brother's political efforts and has been involved in various aspects of his campaigns and public service..


As Delaware's senator for 36 years, President Biden established himself as a leader in confronting some of our nation's most pressing domestic and international challenges. As chairman or ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee for 16 years, Biden is widely recognized for authoring and leading the Violence Against Women Act – landmark legislation that strengthened penalties for violence against women. , creates unprecedented resources for assault survivors, and changes the national dialogue on domestic and sexual assault.

As chairman or ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for 12 years, Biden played a key role in shaping US foreign policy. He was at the forefront of issues and legislation relating to terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, post-Cold War Europe, the Middle East, Southwest Asia, and ending apartheid.

“America is an idea. An idea surpassing armies, oceans, and defying dictators' power. It gives hope to the most desperate people on Earth, guaranteeing that everyone will be treated with respect and that hate finds no safe haven. It instills the belief in every person in this country that no matter where you start in life, there is nothing you cannot achieve if you work hard. This is what we believe.”


As Vice President, Biden maintained his leadership on critical national issues and represented the country internationally. Vice President Biden convenes sessions of the President's Cabinet, leads interagency efforts, and continues his fight to raise the standards of living for middle-class Americans, reduce gun violence, address violence against women, and end cancer. Worked with Congress in, as we know.

Biden helped President Obama pass and then oversee the implementation of the Recovery Act – the largest economic recovery plan in the country's history and our largest and strongest commitment to clean energy. The President's plan prevented another Great Depression, created and saved millions of jobs, and led to 75 uninterrupted months of job growth until the end of the administration. And Biden did all this with less than 1% waste, abuse or fraud – the most efficient government program in our country's history.

President Obama and Vice President Biden also secured passage of the Affordable Care Act, reducing the number of uninsured Americans by 20 million by the time they leave office and Permitting insurance companies to reject coverage based on pre-existing conditions.Was banned from doing.

He served as the point person for American diplomacy throughout the Western Hemisphere, strengthening relationships with our allies in both Europe and the Asia-Pacific, and leading the effort to bring 150,000 troops home from Iraq.

During a White House ceremony, President Obama presented Biden with the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction, the highest civilian honor in the nation.

After leaving the White House, Biden continued his efforts to expand opportunity for every American with the creation of the Biden Foundation, the Biden Cancer Initiative, the Penn Biden Center  for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, and the Biden Institute based at the University of Delaware.

On April 25, 2019, Biden declared his run for the U.S. Presidency, centering his campaign on three key principles: the battle for the nation's soul, the imperative to restore the middle class, and a unifying call to act as one America. This message gained even greater relevance in 2020 amid a pandemic, economic challenges, racial justice demands, and the looming threat of climate change.

“We are living through a battle for the soul of this nation.”

Joe Biden, April 25, 2019

 "President Biden's Address on Terrorist Incidents in Israel"

Whatever he said is given in the paragraph below

Youths were massacred while attending a concert to celebrate peace – to celebrate peace. Women were raped, attacked, paraded around like trophies. Families hid their fears for hours and hours, desperately trying to keep their children quiet to avoid drawing attention. And thousands of wounded, alive but carrying with them bullet holes and shrapnel wounds and the memory of what they had endured.

 You are all aware that these emotional scars endure. There are still many families who are desperately waiting to know about their loved ones, not knowing whether they are alive or dead or hostage. Infants in their mothers' arms, grandparents in wheelchairs, Holocaust survivors kidnapped and held hostage – hostages whom Hamas now threatens to execute in violation of every code of human morality. this is sick.

 The brutality of Hamas – its thirst for blood – is reminiscent of the worst – the most horrific violence – of ISIS. This is terrorism.Unfortunately, this is a familiar experience for the Jewish community. The attack has brought to the surface painful memories and wounds of anti-Semitism and the genocide of the Jewish people that have existed for thousands of years. So, in this moment, we must be absolutely clear: We stand with Israel. We stand with Israel. And we will make sure Israel has everything it needs to take care of its citizens, defend itself, and respond to this attack. 

There is no justification for terrorism. there is no excuse. Hamas is designated as a terrorist organization by multiple countries, including the United States, Israel, Canada, the European Union, and others. Its stated purpose is the destruction of the State of Israel and the murder of the Jewish people. 

They use Palestinian civilians as human shields. Hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization by multiple countries and international entities, including the United States, Israel, Canada, the European Union, and others. The loss of innocent life is heartbreaking. Similar to any nation globally, Israel possesses the right to react to these ruthless assaults – in fact, it bears a responsibility to do so. 

 I just got off the phone – third call with Prime Minister Netanyahu. And I told them that if the United States experienced what Israel is experiencing, our response would be swift, decisive, and overwhelming. We also discussed how democracies like Israel and the United States are stronger and more secure when we act in accordance with the rule of law. The aim of terrorists is to deliberately target civilians and kill them. 

We support the rules of war – the laws of war. It matters. there is a difference Today, Americans across the country are praying for all the families who are broken. Many of us know how this feels. When you lose family it leaves a black hole in your chest, it feels like you are being sucked. Feelings of anger, pain, despair. This is what he means by “human tragedy” – atrocities on a horrific scale. 

But we will continue to stand united, supporting the people of Israel who are suffering unspeakable loss and opposing the hatred and violence of terrorism. My team has been in constant contact with our Israeli partners and partners across the region and around the world since the beginning of this crisis. 

We are boosting further military assistance, such as ammunition and interceptors, to resupply the Iron Dome. We are committed to ensuring that Israel maintains these vital resources to safeguard its cities and people. 

Throughout this crisis, my Administration has maintained close consultation with Congress. And when Congress returns, we will ask them to take immediate action to meet the national security needs of our vital partners. This is not about party or politics. This is about the security of our world, the security of the United States. We now know that American citizens are also among those captured by Hamas. 

 I have directed my team to deploy additional experts from the United States Government to consult and advise with Israeli counterparts on intelligence sharing and recovery efforts for the hostages being held in my custody as President. There is no higher priority than the safety of Americans. Mortgages around the world. 

The United States has also increased its military power in the region to strengthen its deterrence capability. The Department of Defense ordered USS Gerald R. Ford has relocated the Carrier Strike Group to the Eastern Mediterranean and increased our combat aircraft presence. And we stand ready to bring in additional assets as needed. 

Let me say that again - I have one word for any country, any organization, any person who is thinking of taking advantage of this situation: don't do it. No. While our hearts may be shattered, our determination remains unwavering. I also talked to the leaders yesterday France, Germany, Italy and the UK will discuss the latest developments with our European partners and coordinate our united response. 

This comes on top of days of continued engagement with partners across the region. We are taking steps at home also. In cities across the United States, police departments have increased security around Jewish life centers. 

The Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are in close collaboration with state and local law enforcement, as well as Jewish community organizations, to detect and prevent any potential domestic threats linked to these tragic attacks. 

This is a moment for the United States to come together, to mourn with those who are mourning. Let's be really clear: There is no room for hatred in America — not against Jews, not against Muslims, not against anyone. We reject – we reject – what we reject is terrorism. We condemn evil indiscriminately, as we have always done. 

This is what America means. You know, about 50 years ago - I was thinking about it this morning, talking with the Secretary of State, the Vice President in his office and - more than 50 years ago, as a young senator, I first Visited Israel as a newly elected senator. And I had a long, long visit - or meeting with Golda Meir in her office right before the Yom Kippur War. And I think she could see the panic on my face as she described what was being faced - they were facing.

 We went into that kind of hallway outside his office to take some pictures. She gazed at me and abruptly inquired, 'Do you want to snap a photo?" And so, I got up and followed him. We stood there quietly and watched the press. She could tell, I think, I was worried. She leaned toward me and whispered to me - she said, "Don't worry, Senator Biden.

 In Israel, as she put it, we possess a hidden strength: 'We have no alternative.' For 75 years, Israel has remained the steadfast protector of Jewish people worldwide, ensuring that the horrors of the past never repeat themselves.And there should be no doubt: the United States has Israel's support. 

We will ensure that the Jewish and democratic State of Israel can defend itself today, tomorrow, always. Its as simple as that. These atrocities have been painful. We - we are with Israel. Let's not make any mistakes.




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