Thursday, August 18, 2022




  There are two main types of cryptography in computer networks. Public key cryptography and symmetric key encryption.

Cryptography is the technique of encoding information so that it can only be read by certain people, computers or other means. It’s a fundamental component of every type of digital code, from e-mail and web addresses to cell phone numbers, bank account details and government documents such as passports. The processes involved in cryptography include encryption and decryption, which are often used interchangeably but mean different things at different levels.


 Cryptography and network security

  Cryptography is the study of information in the form of symbols. Cryptography uses mathematical algorithms, such as bits, to encrypt and decrypt messages that use a fixed code but not the same key both times. For example, the phrase "Hello, world" would typically be encrypted using one key. If a person knows this key and wants to send or receive a message with this particular string of characters (using another key), he or she will be able to view the plain text message since it is derived from some universal code like ASCII.


  A cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange and store of value, the value of which depends on the network of users and the consensus mechanism, or protocol, governing its use. Cryptocurrencies use decentralized control as opposed to centralized electronic money and central banking systems.Decentralized currency is produced by the entire cryptocurrency system collectively, at a rate which is defined when the system is created and which is transparent for all participants. In centralized banking and economic systems such as the Federal Reserve System, corporate boards or governments control the supply of currency by printing units of fiat money or demanding additions to digital banking ledgers. In case of decentralized cryptocurrency, companies or governments cannot produce new units, and have not so far provided backing for other firms, banks or corporate entities in pledge for securing such promise to pay.

Cryptography in computer network

  As the Internet has become more secure, cryptography has become less important. Cryptography is the science of creating, using, and breaking codes. For example, encryption transforms plaintext into ciphertext so that it can be read only by someone knowing the decryption key for that message. Cryptography is often used to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access or modification: passwords protect user accounts on computer systems or in networks; scrambling carriers' TV signals ensures there are no free broadcast channels; encryption technologies protect bank transfers and credit card purchases so they cannot be read by people who steal them or by those who intercept in transit.

 The role of cryptography in cryptocurrency

  Cryptocurrency is comprised of mathematics that allows the transfer of value, in a decentralized and anonymous manner. Cryptography is vital to the practice of cryptocurrency.

  Cryptography is essential to the functioning of cryptocurrencies, and plays an essential role in protecting against fraud, scammers and hackers.

  Cryptography is at the heart of blockchain, a key component in the development of cryptocurrencies. Without cryptography, blockchain would be possible but harder to achieve. The reason for this lies in the fact that encryption can help protect information (such as passwords) from being accessed by unauthorized parties, thereby protecting your privacy and security on a blockchain platform.

  Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that uses encryption and other advanced technologies to provide secure payment transactions that are difficult to replicate. The first fully functioning cryptocurrency, Bitcoin was created in 2009 by an unidentified programmer or group of programmers operating under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto

 Cryptocurrency is a digital asset that uses cryptography to secure its transactions and control the creation of additional units of the currency. It is decentralized, meaning no central authority controls it. Cryptography, which is used in cryptocurrency to secure digital transactions, is an important part of the process

  Cryptography is a mathematical discipline that provides methods to hide secret messages. Cryptocurrencies use cryptography to secure important data and control the creation of new money.

  Cryptocurrency is designed to make transactions hard to trace, perform transactions quickly and efficiently, solve the double spend problem

  Cryptography is a tool used to encode and decode information, but it is much more than that. Cryptography is an essential part of modern society, enabling secure transactions between friends, partners, businesses and governments, who use it to protect personal data. Cryptography can also be used for authentication purposes, so that a person's identity can be verified.

 Cryptography vs steganography

  Cryptography and steganography are two related fields of study that attempt to protect data by hiding it in another medium. Both have their uses, but they use very different methods to do so.

  Cryptography is the art of hiding data. Steganography (pronounced "stegh-uh-nuh-jee") is the hidden information hiding process.

 Cryptography and steganography are two important techniques that can be used to hide the content of a message. Cryptography is the process used to hide information, while steganography is the process of hiding information by reducing its visibility.

 Cryptography is the science of protecting information through cryptography. Steganography is the practice of hiding a message within another piece of digital media, such as an image or video file. Digital cryptography is the theory and practice of techniques for securing communications in transit and between nodes of a computer network

Advantages of steganography over cryptography

  Steganography has a number of advantages over cryptography. First, steganography is more private and secure than cryptography because no one knows the hidden message is there until after an encrypted text file is intercepted. Steganography uses data that exists in plain view without changing it. This approach prevents unauthorized interception of computerized communication. Steganography can also be used to store sensitive personal information about individuals such as bank account numbers, employee and medical information

 Over 100 years ago, Steganography was first developed using cryptography. It uses a method to hide messages in digital media such as an image file. Cryptography is used by governments to keep sensitive information safe. A hacker would have to know what type of encryption the government is using, which will be difficult and time-consuming.

  The processes behind the creation of steganography is to create layers of information that are only deciphered when a recipient has an understanding of its context. This ensures the integrity of the content with little chance of error. Steganography can also be viewed as a way to add another level of security to our information—encrypted in this case, so there is no chance of the data being intercepted and used against you.

 Advantages and disadvantages of cryptography

  Cryptography offers advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are that it is an effective method of data protection, and it also enables governments and businesses to send confidential messages to each other. The disadvantages include the difficulty of breaking a cipher, increases in computing power required to break ciphers, and the fact that ciphers can only be used on a single computer at a time.

  Advantages of using cryptography: 1. Authentication and Confidentiality - protecting the privacy of all communication is achieved by encrypting messages, which renders them unreadable to eavesdroppers.

  Cryptography is a field of mathematics, computer science, and engineering that studies methods to secure information. It can be used to encrypt information (secure it), verify the origin and integrity of transmitted messages, or prove the existence of information. Cryptography has many applications in business and life in general: for example, for protecting data in transit, for authenticating identity documents and for ensuring confidentiality at communication links.

  Cryptography is a type of information security that uses algorithms to transform data into a form unreadable to unauthorized parties. It protects data as it travels across networks and systems or at rest, such as databases and smartphones.



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